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Chef Solus and The Explorers Enjoy Their Summer Snack

It’s been a fun afternoon in the pyramid and now it is time for a break. We are taking a snack 
break! We usually will have a little snack between lunch and dinner. Snacks are important to give us energy and keep our body fueled up.
But there are so many different kinds of snack foods! We have learned from our explorations in the pyramid, that not all snacks are healthy. Some snacks are made of mostly fat or sugar and don’t help our bodies stay healthy. These are snacks like chips, soda, donuts, cookies, french fries and candy. We have those snacks just once in awhile.
But there are so many snacks that taste great and are good for our bodies. Today, we are eating our own special frozen snacks that we made last night! We put unsweetened 100% fruit juice, water and seedless watermelon chunks into an ice cube tray. Then we put wooden sticks in each cube and put it in the freezer. We let it freeze overnight.
Mmm!! This was Elena’s idea and it is now one of our favorite summer snacks!
We wanted to share with you a list of some of our favorite Explorer snacks. You can get your mom or dad to help you make these snacks. They’re easy!
Veggies and dip; carrots, celery, broccoli and peppers and dip in low fat ranch dressing.
Smoothies: blend nonfat plain yogurt, strawberries, raspberries and blueberries and ice in a blender.
Fruit kabobs; dice up your favorite fruits and line them up on a wooden skewer.
Baby carrots and a side of hummus.
A slice of banana cut in half and smeared with peanut butter on top.
Baked tortilla chips with white bean dip.
A bowl of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Frozen blueberries or strawberries on top of non fat yogurt.
Half a turkey sandwich on 100% whole wheat bread with a sliced apple.
String cheese and whole wheat crackers.
Low fat graham crackers with peanut butter.
What are some of your favorite snacks? Well, snack time is almost over and I have to get back inside the pyramid for some more adventures!
Happy Summer time. Have fun and keep exploring!
Explorers take a healthy snack break!


Avoid snacking throughout the day. Have two snack times around the same time each day.
Strawberries are great snacks. They have almost 200 seeds on the outside!






Get a piece of paper and a pencil to write a list of healthy snacks to hang on the refrigerator. Start by exploring the kitchen cabinets and refrigerator for ideas. Ask a grown up to give you the newspaper, magazines or cook books to find other snacks to add to your list. Title your list “Healthy Summer Snacks” and the whole family can read it for ideas!


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