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Bring the kids into the kitchen too cook some Irish fare!

Posted on Mar 14, 2014 by Maggie LaBarbera

Try these two Irish recipes this month.

Bring kids in the kitchen and find some tasty recipes that they can help with.  Bringing kids into the kitchen to help has been shown to have wonderful benefits for children.

According to our friends at SuperKids nutrition, cooking with children*:

promotes family bonding

creates an opportunity for children to explore their senses (taste, sight, smell and touch)

boosts their self-esteem as a contributing member of the family

teaches children important life skills and food safety practices

provides some math practice (measuring, counting, adding etc)

provides some science time as children watch foods change form as they are heated or chilled

teaches children to follow directions

provides parents the opportunity to talk with children about healthy foods and how that affects their body

Boxty (Irish potato pancakes)

One of my favorites! yum

Irish Soda Bread

The soda bread is very popular in our family and can be served with every meal.




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