Chef Solus and the Food Pyramid Adventure Game Learning Objectives
This free seven level video game introduces children to a great deal of information about healthy foods and a balanced meal.
Here is a list of the learning objectives for this game.
Describe the Food Groups
List each of the food groups.
Describe why each food group is important.
List the number of servings for each food group.
Describe the Grains Group
List why grains are important.
List several foods made with grains.
Plan a meal using foods from the grains group.
Select snacks using grains products.
Describe Meats and Beans Group
Identify different types of meats and beans.
List why meats and beans are important.
Plan a meal using meats and/or beans.
Describe the Milk Group
Identify different types of milk products.
List why milk products are important.
Plan a meal using milk products.
Select snacks using milk products.
Describe the Fruits Group
Identify different types of fruits.
List why fruits are important.
Plan a meal using fruits.
Select snacks made with fruits.
Describe the Vegetables Group
Identify different types of vegetables.
List why vegetables are important.
Plan a meal using vegetables.
Select snacks using vegetables.
Describe Oils
Identify different types of oils.
List why some oils are important.
Describe a Balanced Meal
Plan a meal containing foods from each of the food groups.
Describe Calories
Describe why the body needs calories.
Describe Activity
List why activity is important.
Identify the recommended amount of activity.