We are sorry to let you know that our Widgets that were hosted on Widgetbox.com is no longer available. Widgetbox.com has closed their website so all our widgets that you may have been using the last few years are no longer working.
We are sorry for the inconvenience and will get them back up if we find another suitable location to host them.
If not, we are working on mobile apps that we may upgrade some of the widgets too.
Again, we are sorry for the inconvenience but want to thank all of you that were using and sharing our widgets.
Such is the ebb and flow of the web!
We will be taking down our webpage that shares our widgets for now.
Nourish Thought for the Day:
Although many thing don't last forever, hopefully we take time to enjoy them while they are available.
Other resources you may enjoy:
http://www.nourishinteractive.com/kids/healthy-gamesSee all our games!