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Kids LiveWell Initiative Offers Parents and Kids Healthier Choices

Posted on Sep 03, 2014 by Maggie LaBarbera

With school starting up, some of us may find ourselves running out of time and rushing to the nearest restaurant for a family meal.

Now I am a strong advocate of cooking and eating at home for so many reasons.  I was raised that way and for the most part, so were my kids

.  It is better for your budget and you know what you are getting in your food.

But eating out is part of our culture and not only an enjoyment (heck, who doesn't like to be served and no clean-up) but also necessary sometimes.

It is good to know that the National Restaurant Association is also trying to encourage restaurants to offer healthier choices to children.

They have launched a program called "Healthy Dining on the Kids LiveWell program.  The initiative showcases the restaurant industry’s commitment to offer healthful options for children. 

It really is the "first of its kind" industry voluntary program that reaches out to over 42,000 restaurants asking them to voluntarily ask some healthy fare to their kids menu.

you can download their app to help you find participating restaurants.

Nourish Thought for the Day:  

It really does take a village. If we all do our part to help kids eat healthier - just think what the next generation will be.





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