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Baseball playoffs promote family time

Posted on Oct 20, 2014 by Maggie LaBarbera

Last week, I went to see the Giants play and win.  The next day they won the pennant.  Yes, I am born and raised in San Francisco.  (not Frisco, San Francisco!)  It was so much fun and exciting to be part of the crowd in San Francisco as we all came together as a united family to cheer on our team.  

I am not going to talk about all the food that was constantly sold and eaten all around me:
  • the oversized cotton candy I saw (now in 5 layers of colors and double the size from when I was a kid
  • the Hot dogs 
  • the Nachos  dripping with melted fake cheese
  • the Fries 
  • the Pizza 
  • the Soda and Beer 
  • the Popcorn 
  • the Candy bars (Kit Kat, Smarties, Aero, Reese, etc.) 
  • the Ice Cream (bars, cones & popsicles)

No, I am NOT going to get on my bandwagon and talk about all these high calorie foods.  Because, you know what.  I really did not care so much about it.

What I saw and loved was all the kids who were smiling and cheering and dancing and just having a great old time with their dads and moms, or aunts and uncles or whoever it was that brought them to that game.  They were laughing and some made us all laugh as they were on the Megatron really dancing for the camera.  The high fives, the pure simple joy that the game brought to all the kids at the game and at home watching the game.

Because sometimes, it is more about being a family and creating bonding memories than anything else.

So this post is about celebrating just having fun as a family!  Enjoy the world series with your children and make it a special family event.

Nourish Thought for the Day:  

Seeing a child smile is touching, being part of a child's smile is priceless.

Go Giants!!!  





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