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Five ways to participate in this years Food Day.

Posted on Oct 24, 2014 by Maggie LaBarbera

Today is National Food Day! 

Show your support for food education in every school!

I won't be attending any events or even celebrating Food Day this year because today is my son's wedding day.  So I am sure I get a pass from you. ;-)

But I wanted to take a moment and share five easy and quick ways to show your support for this event.

This event is about promoting healthy foods to our children and serves as a great way to start the conversation in your child's school and at home. 

1.  You can start your Food Day celebration by taking the food quiz.  Take the quiz together as a family or individually and see who gets the most answers right.  What I love about the quiz is the answers give a nice explanation.

Here is a sample of one of the questions.
  • On average, how much water is required to produce one serving of a typical hamburger versus one serving of lettuce?

2.  You can find an event near you.

If you are hosting an event, it is not too late to register your event so others can find it.  You can register your event here.

3.  You can take action to show your support by signing this petition.

About the Campaign

Get Food Education in Every School is a national initiative created by Food Day and the Jamie Oliver Food Foundation to raise awareness about the critical importance of food education in schools across America.

It provides a chance to start talking about how food education should be an integrated part of the school curriculum, and that hands-on cooking and essential food skills should be taught to every child, at every school in the country.

4.  Find and contact your local coordination who will help you become more involved.

5.  Share this campaign with your friends and community. 

Food Day 2014 Brochure Use the 2014 brochure as a way to reach out to your community, friends, and family about Food Day.

Nourish Thought for the Day:  

Take a moment to celebrate healthy foods with your family and carry on this conversation throughout the year.





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