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Dads or Moms - Who Is Really Looking At Nutrition?

Posted on Nov 07, 2014 by Maggie LaBarbera

You ever wonder if dads and moms equally worry about nutrition for their children?  Well wonder no more.  Sorry dads, but a new study just released by CS Motts National Poll indicates that moms are worrying just a bit more about nutrition than dads.

Here are some of the findings*

  • Mothers (46%) are more likely than fathers (33%) to say that nutrition information helps them decide which food or drink to buy “very often” or “always.”
  • Sugars (total and added) topped the list of “very important” nutrients that parents consider.
  • Mothers are more likely than fathers to say total sugar, added sugar, protein, and dietary fiber are “very important.”

I took my own personal poll with some families with children and found similar results!  Moms are definitely looking at more food labels and making more decisions based on sugar and fiber.

But let's not jump down on dads.  Maybe they just need some gentle reminders to look at the labels.  Here is a quick overview and cheat sheet to help dads (and moms!) use food labels.


Nourish Thought for the Day:  

Teaching children about healthy choices isa family event. It takes a village!







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