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How to eat 4000 calories on Thanksgiving.

Posted on Nov 21, 2014 by Maggie LaBarbera

It is that time of the year where all the special foods come out and portion control gets thrown out the window.  Calories, what's that?  Sugar, can you say "more please". and it's all about how much I can eat today.

So what do people do so they can eat that average 4000 calorie meal on Thanksgiving?

Start out by not eating breakfast or lunch.  After all, you want an empty stomach so you can fit as much in there as you can.

Get up and start your day in front of the TV.  There will be first the Thanksgiving parade and then football.  Grab your spot on the couch.  Now you can see enjoy all the delicious commercials that will surely pass your way to stimulate your appetite.

ok. you have been good and hungry so have a roll or two with some soda or wine just to hold you over till dinner.  Don't want to spoil that appetite.

When dinner is served, load up on the mashed potatoes, gravy and stuffing with a nice generous piece of  juicy thigh meat.  Make a full inspection so you don't miss any of your special favorites.  Don't worry about salad, you can get that on the second round.

make sure you get seconds of your favorites. You are feeling a little full so better just pile on the foods you really want.  Vegetables and salads are for tomorrow.  Don't forget this meal is only once a year!

If you can, get a third round in of just your absolute favorites. This is all about the food.

Wait an hour or hour and a half for dessert, that way you have a little more room.

Choose at least two slices of your favorite desserts.  Oh, go ahead, and add the whip cream.  At this point, it won't make a difference.  After all, it is a special day!

Now you have joined millions of Americans who will have successfully eaten 4000 calories!

Nourish Thought for the Day:  

Kids are sponges.  They watch and learn their habits from you.

Calorie Chart





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