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Healthy Thanksgiving Tips For Parents - Yes It Is Possible

Posted on Nov 24, 2014 by Maggie LaBarbera

It is just about here.  Thanksgiving!

Here is a list of some short and to the point holiday tips to keep your family eating healthy during this holiday.  

Nourish Thought for the Day:  

Thanksgiving doesn't mean you have to throw healthy eating completely out the window. You can do both!

 Holiday Tips for Parent.

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According to the Calorie Control Council, the average American will consume more than 4,500 calories on Thanksgiving. The average Thanksgiving dinner is an easy way to put on unwanted pounds. Here are 10 tips for a healthy Thanksgiving that will keep your family happy, and your body healthy!

Cooking A Turkey Using Food Safety Guidelines

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Dealing with Diabetes during Thanksgiving!

Managing your child's diabetes can be a challenge, especially during the holidays! Paying extra attention to what is being served to your child during Thanksgiving, and providing appropriate portions of carbohydrates and other food groups is important to help keep their blood sugar under control.

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Follow these 9 tips to avoid overeating during the family Thanksgiving meal. Discover Thanksgiving healthy portion control and eating tips for avoiding overeating on the Thanksgiving holiday.






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