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Black Friday healthy shopping tips

Posted on Nov 28, 2014 by Maggie LaBarbera

It's Black Friday.  How many people are headed to the mall with the kids to try get a few deals?

Here are some tips to increasing your activity:

Make sure you and the kids shoes are made for walking!  Get those comfortable but sturdy sneakers or walking shoes with well-supported low heals.  Good walking shoes, means you can walk longer.

Look for the furthest parking space.  More walking to get to the store and more walking back to the car.

Have a little fun with the kids.  Challenge them to a quick walk-off and walk the mall briskly once or twice before you actually start shopping.

See an elevator or escalator.  Skip it and look for the stairs.  You will burn more calories and get in some cardio with the steps.

If you can, put on pedometers on you and the kids.  See how many steps you can get in during your shopping day.  Make it fun and chart your shopping walk on our tracker.  Who can walk the most today?

Try to keep a steady pace as you can.  The faster you walk, the better the cardio workout.

Bring a baggie of healthy snacks for the kids so you can avoid the food court.

Nourish Thought for the Day:  

Find the "healthy" in everything you do.





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