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What the candidates say about childhood nutrition

Posted on May 30, 2008 by Maggie LaBarbera

The three candidates, Clinton Obama and McCain discuss their views on childhood obesity and nutrition.

According to this article, here is what each candidates says about childhood obesity: Clinton: ban junk food in school that participate in school lunch or breakfast programs Provide foods that meet or surpass the nutrition standards Make the school breakfast program universal for all students in low income communities Double the summer feeding program

Obama: convene a high-level task for identifying opportunities for coordination, collaboration across departments, establishing consensus regarding priorities for action Ensure departments had the appropriate resources and authorities to implement recommendations from task force

McCain: do a better job of teaching children and their parents about child health, nutrition and exercise.

They were also asked other questions like what the role of federal government should be, national regulation on food advertising and marketing to children and should there be changes to the No Child Left Behind law. Here is the article to see the answers each one of them gave.





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