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Healthy Snack Ideas and Resources for Parents On The Go This Summer

Posted on May 29, 2015 by Maggie LaBarbera

Friday Finds to Nourish Your Day:  

It’s Friday and we are happy to share these resources and materials to help you promote a healthier fair experience to nourish the children in your lives!

So your going to the fair.  You think, I will bring some healthy snacks for kids!  But what are some great travel snacks.  I put together my list to share with you:

  • apple sauce cups
  • apple slices
  • carrot sticks
  • celery sticks with peanut or almond butter (add some reasons for a little sweet treat)
  • crackers and string cheese
  • cucumber or other veggie cut/sliced with some dip
  • edamame
  • fresh fruit
  • granola bars
  • low fat yogurt
  • low sugar cereal (great to put in a baggie)
  • mini muffins that are made with fruit and whole grains (you can find so many recipes!)
  • nuts
  • pretzel sticks
  • trail mix
  • whole grain pancakes.  Just make them ahead of time in small 3-4 inch size and pack them in a baggie.  My kids loved this

Healthy Snacks Articles for Parents

Healthy Snacks for Kids - Quick and Easy

Snacks are a great way to satisfy kid’s hunger between meals, and also helps prevent them from overeating during meals. Snacks are also a great way to help kids get many of the important nutrients they need while growing. Read below for some healthy snack ideas for kids!

Back To School Healthy Snacks For The Lunchbox

Back to school lunchbox treats for children. Tips for planning healthy school snacks for children.

Ingredients for a Healthy Snack

Snacking between meals is a great way for children to get the extra nutrients they need for proper growth and development, such as calcium, vitamin D, and iron. A healthy snack can also provide an opportunity for children to try new foods and learn about cooking and nutrition.The key ingredients for a healthy snack include a balance of carbohydrates, fat, and protein.

Healthy Snack Foods For Children Organized By Food Groups

List of healthy snack foods for children organized by food groups. Find ideas for snacks based on each of the food groups that meet the My Plate food guidelines.

Summer Vacation ...Gear up with Healthy Snacks for the Kids 

Healthy Summer Snack for Kids- Easy, quick and healthy summer snacks for kids. 'Gearing up for Summer - full of fun ideas and easy healthy food tips for parents to keep kids eating healthy snacks during summer vacation.

Summer Outdoor Summer Healthy Snack Ideas

Headed to the outdoors for camping or a family picnic? This article has some healthy outdoor snacks and ideas on what to bring. Snacks that children will enjoy and meet the guidelines for the My Plate food guidelines.

Chef Solus Favorite Rice Cake Toppings

Healthy Snacks For Children Parenting Tips Handout





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