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June Celebrates National Dairy Month

Posted on Jun 01, 2015 by Maggie LaBarbera

Happy Dairy Month everyone!  June is National Dairy Month.  This year is a special year for the National Dairy council because they are celebrating 100 years!

I just want to thank the NDC for all the work they do to improve child nutrition. They represent the dairy farmers and fund science and research to provide sound information about dairy. I know some of the wonderful RDs who are so passionate about educating the public about health and nutrition.  They have taught me so much about the importance and appreciation for our farmers who work with such pride and dedication to provide this natural healthy food to our families and children.

First, let's start with the importance of dairy.  Dairy is one of the key 5 food groups that all children need for a healthy, balanced diet.  

Dairy are foods that are made predominantly with milk.  Dairy foods include milk, cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese and even ice cream!

I am a big proponent of dairy because it is a complete food that provides children with vitamin D and calcium.  It is also a good source of potassium.  In particular, these three nutrients have been identified as nutrients that children are low in.  Most people don't associate milk with protein but it is actually a good source of protein as well.

Milk is the number one food source for these important nutrients: calcium, vitamin D and potassium.  By meeting the required dairy servings each day, children can get the nutrients they need to grow healthy bones, teeth, and overall well-being.  But it is more than that.  It is also about building their immune system so they can fight off disease.

How much do children need:

  • 2 cups for children 2 to 3 year
  • 2.5 cups for children 4 to 8 years
  • 3 cups for those 9 years and older) 

So when your child is asking for something to drink.  Skip the sugary drink and offer them a glass of health, a cup of lowfat or nonfat milk.

Monday’s Nourishing Thought:  

Milk does a body good!

More Links:

Cheers to a 100 years!

It’s June Dairy Month and We’re Celebrating 100 Years of Dairy Science and Education!

My Plate Dairy Food Group





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