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New study says controlling kids food may not lead to childhood obesity

Posted on Jun 08, 2009 by Maggie LaBarbera

A new study published in the Obesity Journal indicates that mother's who restrict their child food intake, may not be contributing to childhood obesity. For a while now, it has been a concern that limiting food intake may cause a child to actually gain more weight as they get older. The data is from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development's study of early child care and youth development

This study looked at 789 boys and girls and followed their BMI scores over time. Mothers were asked a series of parenting questions to determine how controlling or restrictive they were with their child and foods. They did not find any correlation with a child gaining weight later on and mothers who were restricting food intake.

Here is something interesting they did find:

  • mothers seemed to be more concerned and more apt to restrict food intake for girls (4-7 years old) who were showing signs of being overweight
  • mothers were less concerned for their sons (same age) who also had weight gain
Regardless of any study, let's use our common sense and good judgment. Make healthy eating a habit for the whole family and promote daily exercise for everyone regardless of weight. This is the best way for all kids to be develop healthy bodies and healthy minds.

Let kids develop a positive association with healthy eating. Help them learn at a young age that nutrition is important and being healthy is fun!

Resources: Daily Health Tips for family- very kid- friendly and fun

Kids nutrition goals and tracking sheets




Thursday, Aug 06, 2009 @ 12:14 AM

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I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don't know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading it - it is a informative and nice blog for parents who are interested in food and nutrition. I will keep visiting this blog and highly recommend it! Deb
Friday, Oct 09, 2009 @ 05:21 AM

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This is a great post and informative too. <a href="" rel="nofollow">Childhood Obesity</a> is indeed a very alarming issue. Children as early as 6 years old are even diagnosed. I just hope government and health workers are effective in providing health education to families. Slimming pills must be avoided and exercise and diet must be maintained and controlled.

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