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Are your infants/ toddlers getting enough vitamin D?

Posted on Jun 25, 2008 by Maggie LaBarbera

A study conducted in Boston analyzing infants and toddlers for vitamin D deficiency.

Okay, this is serious. The reason the study was initiated was because of a rise in vitamin D deficiency and rickets. The reports were coming from Alaska, Iowa, Nevada, California, North Carolina, Texas and Boston, among others. Vitamin D is necessary for bone and teeth development. Rickets is a disease caused by vitamin D deficiency with symptoms that include:

  • bowed legs
  • bowed arms
  • bony bumps on ribcage
  • seizures
  • pain
  • and other symptoms as well
According to this study, healthy infants and toddlers may have low levels of vitamin D, 1/3 of these kids appear to have evidence of reduced bone mineral content (on X-ray) We are talking about vitamin D deficiency and rickets ( a disease that I have only heard about, never seen during my nursing practice) The study involved 380 healthy children from the ages of 8 months to 24 months who visited their pediatrician during 2005-2007.

I think what was most concerning was the lack of symptoms. So the regular screen methods may not be enough.

So for you moms with young ones, this is something to talk with your doctor about. Here is the actual study, if you would like to review the methodology and conclusions.



1 Comment

Ann Mires
Friday, Feb 13, 2009 @ 01:45 PM

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I was wondering if a toddler has an increased sensitivity to light if they are vitamin d defficient? My 22 month went from being extremely happy all of her life to extremely fussy. She constantly says ouie, but it's not her ears, the doctor doesn't think it's her teeth and motrin and tylenol don't seem to be helping much. She rubs her eyes a lot and says "ouie, eyes." Just searching for reasons why. It could all be normal, but we're going on three weeks now.

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