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Healthy Monday - Get your family active with simple steps

Posted on Oct 12, 2009 by Maggie LaBarbera

Step up this Monday to health
Skip the elevator and use the stairs. Don’t park so close to the door. Take a brisk walk at lunchtime. Or do some fast-paced chores at home.
Step up this Monday to healthy activity.   Skip the elevator and use the stairs. Don’t park so close to the door. Take a brisk walk at lunchtime. Or do some fast-paced chores at home.

Mondays are a great day to renew Family Health vows. Every Monday, you will find some healthy tip to help your family start the week off on a Healthy Note!

Thanks to Healthy Monday organization for sharing their Monday tips.



1 Comment

Wednesday, Oct 14, 2009 @ 12:05 AM

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Thanks for the healthy post. Its very helpful to me and my family. I definitely going to try this.

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