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Pesticides in kids may be causing ADHD

Posted on Jun 02, 2010 by Maggie LaBarbera

A new study indicates that children with a higher level of the pesticide, malathion, in their system are at an increased risk to having "attention deficit hyperactivity disorder" (ADHD).

Currently, ADHD is estimated to affect about 3-7% of children.  This population has been growing dramatically over the last 30-40 years.  Other studies are indicating that there might be a link between pesticides and other development problems.

How can we give our children fresh fruits and vegetables that is so important for a healthy diet and avoid these pesticides?  That is the dilemma many parents are facing.  Of course, you can purchase organic produce but many parents can't afford that.

Well there is a list, called the dirty dozen that are the produce known to have the highest amounts of pesticides.  At least try to purchase these 12 food items as organic produce.  Another option is your local farmers' markets.  Local farmers tend not to use these pesticides even if they can't officially label their produce as "organic".


Find out if your favorite fruits and vegetables are high in pesticides

Going Organic a little or all the way, here are some tips

Fun kid friendly guide to buying organic foods





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