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Is Breakfast Really the Most Important Meal of The Day?

Posted on Jul 05, 2010 by Maggie LaBarbera

Is breakfast really the most important meal of the day? What are some strategies to make sure our kids eat healthy morning meals?

We have some interesting facts, helpful tips and tools to help with the 'morning rush' and make eating healthy breakfast food a part of your child's daily habits.

First the facts, a new study conducted done by The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, has some interesting findings about kids' health, obesity rate and breakfast habits.

The study reports that kids who skip breakfast have higher Body Mass Index scores. They also found out that 20 percent of children between the ages of nine and 13 and nearly a third of kids from 14 to 18 were skipping breakfast! Some other interesting research they discovered is that eating something for breakfast, even if it's not particularly healthy seems to be healthier than skipping breakfast. Kids and Breakast Food study

Here are a few more good reasons why your child should eat breakfast:

  • Starting your child’s day with a healthy breakfast will also make them less likely to eat high-calorie snacks during the morning.
  • Eating a well balanced breakfast improves their intake of fiber, vitamins and minerals, especially iron and vitamin C; these nutrients are essential in a balanced diet. In fact, a good breakfast provides one-fourth to one-third of the day’s energy and nutrient needs.
  • Children who eat a healthy breakfast tend to show improved academic performance, longer attention span, better attendance and decreased hyperactivity in school.
  • Skipping breakfast will often make your child feel tired, restless or irritable by mid-morning. By eating breakfast, your child will have energy throughout the morning and help him/her concentrate better in class or have energy to participate in and enjoy their summer camp programs

No Time for Breakfast? Easy ways to help your child to start the day off healthy

Breakfast can be served hot or cold, sitting down or eaten on-the-run. Breakfast can be a typical breakfast food, or even left-overs from dinner the night before. Whether cooking breakfast or buying breakfast foods at the grocery store, remember to read food labels and manage portion sizes. Create balanced breakfast meals by choosing foods from the food groups!

The main point to remember is to try to get into the habit of including breakfast in your morning routine for both you and your child. Try planning ahead or even cooking breakfast the night before to avoid the morning rush.  Even if there is not much time for your child to sit down and eat a healthy breakfast at home a good alternative it to make a brown bag breakfast or plate to go.

Remember habits take time to change, so try to keep it positive and make small steps with your child towards healthier habits. Before you know it, those small steps will become a new healthy routine!

Tools to help kids eat healthy breakfast food:

A fun nutrition story by Chef Solus- teaching kids that it's important to eat breakfast

Download and print our Food Pyramid for kids - a picture guide to the food groups

Print our healthy breakfast tracker for kids- an easy way to set goals and reinforce new healthy breakfast habits.





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