Reading food labels is still the best way to help you shop for healthier foods. With the holidays season set to start, many of our events will center around food. You no doubt will be asked to bring snacks for the kids holiday school events, team events and family events!
So as you hit the grocery aisle, get your child to help you do a little food label comparing.
Maybe, your thinking, you don't have time, especially during the holidays. Although there is more good information on the package, you can focus on just a couple of nutrients to help you choose healthier snacks.
Follow these simple guidelines to help you get started:
Comparing the snack items and select the snack item that gives the lowest calories, fat and sugar for the same serving size.
Don't select a snack food that has trans fats. They are not healthy for anyone's heart including your child's.
1. look at the the serving size first. all the nutrition information will be based on that serving size.
2. look at the calories
3. look at the total fat content and the sugar content
Portion Control:
Remember the serving size shown on the box (ie. a cup, 1/2 cup, 10 chips etc) If you can provide the snacks in portion sizes that will really help your kids learn what a normal serving of that snack is. Most snacks are poured into a large bowl or tray which makes it easy for everyone to eat many servings of that snack and not even realize it.
This holiday, you can use a little creativity and put snacks into pre-portioned trays. Cupcake holders or little dixie cups are perfect and the kids can decorate them or you can buy them already decorated. Then you pour the snack into it and everyone is more likely to take one serving and eat less!
Related resources from our website:
Healthy Servings For Kids Article
Portion Control Facts and Tips
Servings vs Portion Size- What's the difference
Healthier Holiday Snacks and Desserts Article