The holiday season has officially started. I realized it when I found myself frantically looking for an old family recipe that I only make once a year. The kids have come to expect certain dishes, really special treats that are made only during the holidays.
And it is not just food for the family. Are your kids bringing home notes from school reminding you of class celebrations, PTA functions and other activities planned in which you must bring a special dish? How about work potlucks? There will be a lot of celebrations and all of them involving food.
Holiday time also means extra grocery shopping. Maneuvering through over 7000 grocery items, crowded aisles and long lines can seem like a daunting task. But with a little bit of planning, you can keep your grocery time efficient and focused on just the items you really need.
Start with these easy steps:
Holiday Grocery Shopping List -Print PDF Organize your grocery list by food groups to make sure you have a healthy balanced holiday meal from all the food groups!
How to prepare Healthier Holiday Snacks and Desserts Article with helpful tips on how to make those holiday treats healthier.
Healthy Holiday Guest Planning Sheet
Holiday-themed Leftovers Labels
Cook your Holiday Turkey germ-free!
Healthy Holiday Food Substitution Guide Organized by food group, find easy ways to make your favorite holiday meal healthier!
Holiday Cooking with Kids Simple steps to bringing the kids into the kitchen during the holidays.
Kids’ Holiday Cookies Fun Page Holiday story teaching kids about healthy ingredients and healthy food choices. Chef Solus and the explorers are making holiday cookies. Learn the ingredients they use to make healthy cookies!
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