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YMCA survey represents opportunity for parents to promote healthy choices during online family time

Posted on Apr 22, 2011 by Maggie LaBarbera

Recently, the YMCA conducted a survey of more than 1,600 parents with children between the ages of 5 and 10.  The objective was to learn what the barriers to healthier living and physical activity were for today’s families.

They learned that :

1.  Parents are have a hard time getting their kids healthy and active because of so many technology distractions like cell phones, apps, TV, ipods and computer time

However, what was really interesting was that 53% of parents chose to spend their leisure time with children playing video games on the computer.

We know that kids love to play games on the computer and that is not going to really change.  So spending some time with children and bonding with them during game time on the computer is great.  Now wouldn't it be great if you took some of the quality family game time and played some healthy oriented games that promoted healthy foods, healthy living and being active.  Just think of the opportunity that presents to talk about healthy choices in a very fun way that engage kids.

We think that it is important to meet kids halfway and that is why we use video games as our medium to teach kids about healthy foods, nutrition and the importance of being active.

Just add in a little balance and find some family time that is also "action or active" oriented so that kids also experience the joy of being active as a family.

Read the complete survey findings.

Resources for Healthy Games for kids

Food Jigsaw Puzzles

Talking Food Pyramid

Memory Food Game

Whack A Snack Action

Food Arcade Game

Food Coloring Game

Healthy Harvest Maze Game

Nutrition and Healthy Vocabulary Words



1 Comment

Marty Davey
Sunday, May 15, 2011 @ 04:26 PM

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As a dietitian who deals with childhood obesity, I like the way she addresses having a snack shelf for your child. She explains ingredients well and has a chart for legume and grain cooking that I have memorized. However, having been a vegetarian for 26 years, I find the baked goods overloaded with banana. We use the granola recipe, but found Vegan Planet a better all-round recipe book.

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