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F is for fat report released - rate of childhood obesity in your state

Posted on Aug 03, 2011 by Maggie LaBarbera

You may be wondering how your state faired in the childhood obesity epidemic.

Here is some other shocking facts:

  • Among all states, children got 40% or less of the recommended vigorous daily activity.  (ie exercise)
  • Among the 39 states surveyed, only 5.2 % of children in Arkansas to a high of 11.4 % of children in Vermont at the required amount of fruits and vegetables!

Here is a chart to see how your state did:

pink column:  3 year average for the state and how it ranked.  This helps you compare with the next column to see if your state had more or less % of obese children.  For example:  Alabama has an average of 14.4% of their children being obese, but this year the number increased to 17.9%.  More children are obese in this state.

third column titled:  Percentage of Obese Children indicates the % of children obese in the state for that age range.

fourth column titled:  Ranking indicates where your state fell when compared to all the states.  We can see that Mississippi was number 1 with the highest percentage of obese children.  Oregon is ranked 51 as it had the lowest percentage of obese children.

Last column titled:  Percentage Participating in Vigorous Physical Activity every day.  Sadly, not even half of any state's kids were physically active every day.  Activity was defined as: 60 minutes a day

Support for the Parents with the Overweight Child

Is My Child Overweight Article Resources and suggestions to promote healthy habits.

Should I Put My Child On A Diet Article Dietitians advice on dieting and the overweight child.

Understanding Childhood Obesity Related Conditions Article Implications of childhood obesity related conditions.

Understanding the BMI For Children Article What is BMI and how it is used to determine your child is at a healthy weight.





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