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Is the ban on soda in schools helping kids?

Posted on Sep 24, 2008 by Maggie LaBarbera

Okay, the ban on soda in elementary schools is growing. There are now several states that don't allow it in their vending machines nor as a classroom treat. California is one of those states. This week there has been buzz, speculation if this will really make a difference given a study that has just come out.

The study indicated that limiting availability of soft drinks at school is associated with a 4% decrease in the rate of any consumption overall.

I am seeing headlines: Very little impact seen...

I ask you, isn't any decrease in kids' overall consumption a good sign. We can't expect the school to be the one and only driving factor. It is going to take a "village". (Always wanted to use that line). It is going to take changes in school and at home. It is going to take positive messaging about the importance of nutrition through nutrition education. And, it is going to take time.

Let's face it. We did not get here in a few years. This has been decades in the making and it is going to take time to change our habits as a society. But every change that a child makes is a step towards a healthier child.

So I say, the heck with all the negative press. We are starting to see a change in some children and that is a good start!

What do you think?





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