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Happy National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month - get your produce on!
Happy National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month - get your produce on!
Posted on Jun 01, 2012 by Maggie LaBarbera
Happy June 1 and Happy National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month!
The weather is warming up outside and many kids are already beginning their summer vacation. This is the perfect time to experiment with some new recipes for summer outings, barbecues and picnics.
Summer salads are a great way to introduce more fruits and vegetables into your child's diet. Get the kids involved so they will be more curious about trying it.
You might think kids don't like fruits and vegetables but that is just not true. The trick is getting them curious and figuring out what their peaks their taste buds.
You might surprised that some kids love things that are "mushy" and soft while others love foods that are crunchy. Texture has a lot of influence on what a child may want to try.
Here are some ways to get them involved and curious about new fruits and vegetables:
plan a family outing to a nearby farm where your child can actually pick the vegetable or fruit right from the ground, tree or bush
review possible recipes and have them help decide on how you want to serve it
have the child help prepare the fruit or vegetable. They can help wash it and once cut up, they can also help put the pieces in a bowl
they can help mix it up
kids are great at naming things, have them come up with a special name for the dish and present it to the family
Let the kids know it is National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month and you need their help in planning how the whole family will celebrate!
My Plate Resources:
Vegetable Group Fun
Fruit Group Fun
My Plate page that teaches children about the foods belonging to each colored section of the My Plate.
Colorful My Plate sheet to introduce the plate and the food groups.
Fun colorful page to show children the importance of balancing their food choices on My Plate with daily activity.
Colorful overview page of the foods that belong to each of the food groups on the USDA My Plate.
Healthy servings from each of the food groups on the My Plate.
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