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Tots get fit in the gym.

Posted on May 16, 2008 by Maggie LaBarbera

Gym in Australia fights childhood obesity with tottler sized work out equipment and personal trainers.

Hmm, this is different. When getting your kids to play outside doesn't work, having them join a sporting activity is a challenge and there is no time for physical education in school, what is a parent to do? How do we get our kids to be more active? According to this article, it is taking place in the gym. Australia is looking at personal trainers. Yup, personal trainers for the little ones.

At Sydney's Oxegen fitness studio, they have child sized steppers, rowers and spin bikes. Children have a personal trainer and work out for about an hour. Australia has 15.2% of their preschoolers are overweight or childhood obesity rate, so they are really looking for solutions. The class does have a healthy eating portion. I guess what is a concern is that it just doesn't sound fun. It seems to lose the creativity and imagination that preschoolers naturally have.

I bet it is expensive too! So not a solution available for all families. What do you think? Should we start getting these little ones in the gym for a treadmill session



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