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Healthy snacks for kids in school - facts and USDA guidelines

Posted on Feb 27, 2013 by Maggie LaBarbera

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We all need to let our voices be heard about changing the 

snacks offered to children in school from low nutrition to nutritious snack foods.    

Even Rachael Ray has joined in to support us.  If you have not contacted the USDA, you have until April to leave your comments and ideas about the proposed new guidelines. 

As we are about to enter National Nutrition Month, it is a perfect time to take a moment and share your thoughts about the importance of nutritious snacks in school and adopting these new snack food guidelines.

Here is a message from Rachael Ray:


This is a major moment for our kids’ future — and YOU and I need to step up to the plate. 

How cool is this: The U.S. Department of Agriculture has proposed nutritional guidelines that would make sure schools sell only healthy snacks and drinks to students during the school day. But we only have until April 9 to weigh in! 

Let’s cook up healthy change and tell the USDA we support its proposal! 

The USDA already is working to improve the nutritional quality of school meals. However, it hasn’t updated its guidelines for foods sold outside of meals since 1979, which means schools have still been able to sell everything from candy and potato chips to sugary beverages to kids. 

That’s why the proposed guidelines are so important. They would make sure all snacks and drinks in schools are nutritious – whether they’re sold as a la carte items in the cafeteria, in vending machines or in student stores. These items are a big part of what our kids eat at school — roughly 40 percent of students buy a snack at school every day. 

Even if students eat a healthy lunch, research shows they often still consume excess calories from side dishes their cafeteria might serve, such as french fries. Or sometimes kids skip over a healthy meal entirely in favor of an unhealthy a la carte item. 

It’s so important that everything our kids can buy at school is good for them. 

Let’s tell the USDA to implement strong nutritional guidelines for snacks and drinks in schools.

Racheal Ray



In case you are wondering.  Here is some information about the types of snack foods currently being offered in schools.

healthy snacks for kids in school





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