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How to Teach Your Son Personal Hygiene the Fun Way

Posted on Jun 07, 2013 by Guest Writer

Your daughter may be neat as a pin, but getting your son into the shower is perhaps the most difficult part of the day. Though there are always exceptions to the rule, girls tend to be cleaner as toddlers and grade school goers compared to boys.

How do you reach through to your son to make sure that he doesn't grow up with unhygienic habits? All the solutions to this problem stem from the same root; lure him with something of his interest.

Teach your son about personal hygiene by making it fun for him. Here are some ways to go about it:

Read Him a Story

Children love being read stories. There’s a wide selection to choose from with so many books available. Go to your local bookstore and sift through the piles to find stories that teach about germs and bacteria. You can also find e-books online for the purpose.

Try to find a story book that portrays characters related to personal hygiene. However, don’t read to him at bedtime as he’ll be tired to listen what is really being implied.

Make most of the story reading during the day. The best time is when he can't go outside to play and is bored of his toys. While reading, add emphasis and different voices for all the different characters to keep his interest engaged.

Make Being Clean a Fun Thing

Your son may be attached to a particular television show. You can find towels, brushes and other items used to maintain personal hygiene with a theme based on his favorite TV Show.

For example, if he has affection for a certain cartoon, Personal Creations gifts for boys and other gift stores stock cartoon-related items based on the show will let you easily find something for him. You may buy personalized beach & bath towels for him and then personalized toys for after the bath!

Other items that may interest him include bubble baths, shampoos, toothpastes, soaps and bath toys. Your son will want to take a shower at the end of the day or wash his hands after breakfast all on his own when anything excites his interest.

Games, Cartoons and apps

Boys love playing games, whether they are indoors, outdoor or on the computer. To make this task even easier for all the young parents, several games have been developed that are not only fun to play, but also teach important lessons such as how to maintain personal hygiene. You can find a lot of personal hygiene games through social media and even make a game yourself.

Carry out a little research to find a game that appeals to his taste and is likely to keep his attention engaged. Not only will your son have a fun time playing, but will also learn some very basic yet life long life lessons.

If you own an iPad and he loves using it, download an app for him that teaches about personal hygiene. Animated videos may also be able to develop his interest.

Anything that involves teaching a certain important lesson to your son needs to be able to engage his interest. It’s up to you to gauge which way is going to be more effective than the other and at what time. As long as you cater to his interests, you can teach him anything without hearing complaints.  





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