A new study is being released in the September issue of Pediatrics*.
This study highlights a possible link between childhood obesity in middle school age children and
The study looked at sixth graders (1714) to study their habits and differences that could be correlated to obesity or being overweight.
Here are some of the findings:
So what does this all mean?
It means that kids need to eat a healthy, balanced lunch. The girls that drank milk had a healthier weight probably because milk was in place of a sugary drink.
Children are growing and need foods high in calcium and vitamin D and milk provides both of these. A glass of milk at each meal will help their bones and teeth. Milk is also filling so it leaves them more satisfied.
I think it also indicates the importance of getting children active and limiting TV time. It is just too easy with all the new fall shows premiering to sit in front of the TV from dinner to bedtime. Try limiting kids TV time. If you have a DVR, you can record the shows and watch their favorite shows at set family TV time. Find other activities that kids can do after school that they enjoy. If kids are active afterschool with a non-screen activity, get home and eat dinner, help clean up, take a 30 minute after dinner walk, do their homework, that will leave an hour or two to enjoy a little TV, brush their teeth and go to bed!
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