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Genetically engineered food labeling may not add to food pricing afterall!

Posted on Sep 04, 2013 by Maggie LaBarbera


There continues to be debate about labeling GE foods between industry and environmental groups.
One of the arguments posed by industry is that the labeling of GE foods will increase the cost of foods.  With high food prices being a concern, many parents and concerned citizens are afraid to support the bill to label GE foods.  They don't want to see food prices go higher.  We all understand the balance of eating healthy and balancing our checkbooks.
But a new study, conduced by an independent consultant is disputing this concern.
Read the report.
Key findings in the study include the following:
  • Supermarket prices are set by several factors: shopper demographics, brand competition, and store characteristics
  • Food processors regularly make changes to the labels of their products to meet changing consumer demand or for other marketing or regulatory reasons
  • As part of their innovation cycle, food companies often redesign and relaunch products, adding ‘new’ attributes to existing products such as different flavors and new ingredients
  • Brands typically do not order more than a year’s worth of inventory of packaging at at a time because they frequently update the label information for marketing reason

I do think we have a right, as consumers, to make informed choices.  If you are concerned about genetically engineered foods, then you should be able to easily identify these foods.  





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