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Children Nutrition News

Jan 09, 2012

Join us- Take Healthy Steps and Weekly Pledges for Children in our March to Nutrition Month

Who says nutrition can't be fun? At Nourish Interactive, we are always looking for creative ways to encourage families and children to make healthier choices. Join the Chef Solus' March to National Nutrition Month- take the healthy pledge for k...
Jan 04, 2012

2012 Is the Year of The Potato

Read why 2012 has been deemed the year of the potato. Fun resources for kids, printable potato recipe cards for kids, coloring book and nutrition facts about potatoes for the whole family.
Nov 02, 2011

November news- Fun new nutrition game for kids, healthy tips calendar, and Thanksgiving printables

November News! New healthy nutrient game, Thanksgiving printables and calendars with healthy tips for kids and families. We are excited to announce the release of our new interactive game, 'Nutrient Machine Madness' (Spanish) a fun game to hel...
Sep 26, 2011

Tips for Family Day- A Day for Enjoying Family Dinner

Today is CASA Family Day!  A Day to Eat Dinner with Your ChildrenTM We are sharing some of our favorite links to make it easier for busy families to celebrate and enjoy family day and have a fun dinner together!Sometimes I am asked, what is the one mos...
Sep 21, 2011

Vote for your favorite summer food program - contest ends this Friday

The USDA continues their healthy promotion and recognition program! This summer they held a contest for the best stories and photos promoting Summer food service programs. The competition was extremely tough as they had over 100 contest sub...
Sep 14, 2011

Football tailgate parties - avoid food safety penalties for a winning meal

Football season is here and many families (including mine) will take part in some fun tailgating parties.One of the challenges in tailgating party that goes for several hours is food safety.  Here are some Referee Tips to keep your food free from bacte...
Sep 12, 2011

New study shows nagging parents works

New study shows that nagging parents does work.  This is probably not a surprise for anyone that has kids!  Sometimes it is just easier to give in, especially with hectic schedules.But I found this very interesting: John Hopkins School of Public Health...
Sep 09, 2011

food companies lobby congress to stop controlled advertising to kids

The food and advertising industries are aggressively lobbying Congress to kill proposed voluntary guidelines for marketing to children. According to Campaign for a Commercial-free Childhood (CCFC), they’ve hired high-powered lobbyists; flown in company...
Aug 31, 2011

Healthy snacks that kids can make and take to school

Happy National Trail mix Day!  Kids and parents enjoy trail mix as a quick snack.  And it can be a very healthy snack too.Get the kids involved and make your own trail mix!  Not only is it a great way to teach your children about a healthy snack but yo...
Aug 29, 2011

Support national childhood obesity month with an event and win award

It is national childhood obesity month and Healthier Kids, Brighter Futures is hosting an award for organizations that promote "PLAY (promoting lively, active youth) amongst children.Details of Entry for Award:The PLAY (Promoting Lively, Active Youth) ...
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