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Kids Healthy Eating Tips

Sep 23, 2009

Family Nutrition Video- kids nutrition education games- parents tips and tools

Watch this new video to learn about Nourish Interactive's family nutrition website. Visit us for nutrition tools for parents and kids nutrition games
Sep 16, 2009

New study shows 70% of kids are low in vitamin D

According to another study, published in Pediatrics,70% of American children are at increased risk for bone and heart disease because of low levels of vitamin D.The study looked at a representative sample of more than 6000 individuals between the ages ...
Sep 11, 2009

Get the kids involved in easy and fun "back to school healthy lunch food" ideas

As part of the "Go Back to School Early" series, chef and mom Domenica Catelli, author of the cookbook "Momalicious," shared on "The Early Show" a few fun and innovative ways to make brown bag lunches tastier.I thought this one was very interesting an...
Sep 09, 2009

Back to School with Mangos - lots of healthy fruit snack food alternatives for kids

Back to school time can signify hectic schedules, homework and lots of eating on-the-go, but it doesn’t mean your family can afford to slack off on their physical fitness or healthy lifestyle. Jango Mango, official mango ambassador for the National M...
Sep 07, 2009

Put a smile on your child's face at lunchtime with fun printable healthy lunch cards

You have heard me say this many times. But I have to say it again. "Keep nutrition fun for kids. Help them learn about healthy eating in a way that makes them remember their learning experience positively." But you say, give me practical eas...
Sep 04, 2009

Tips on handling the picky eater's school lunch- healthy school lunch foods for kids

University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics suggests the following tips to dealing with the picky eater's lunch: allowing picky eaters to choose one treat for lunch each day parents should also cut and peel foods to make them easy to eat Expose st...
Aug 28, 2009

Go Meatless on Monday and Save the Planet and Improve Your Health

Why pledge to go meatless one day a week.Our friends at Meatless Monday reminds us that it is more than just our own personal health. It also saves our environment. You may not realize this but the livestock that provides meat for us to eat is respon...
Aug 23, 2009
Aug 21, 2009

Simple solution to get kids eating their school lunch.

With our continued concern with the economy, it got me thinking about how to avoid "wasting" money.Yeah, wasting money, throwing money away! As your kids get ready to go back to school, I am reminded of a study I read last year in September.A study fu...
Aug 17, 2009

Back to school - help kids make healthy food choices in the school cafeteria

It is that time again! Summer passed by fast and now it is back to school! This means many kids will be buying their lunch in the school cafeteria.Of course, the best option is to have your child bring their lunch from home so together you can create ...
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