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Healthy Child

Jul 04, 2011

Happy and Healthy Summer Tips

Happy 4th of July! Here's some tips to keep it safe and healthy all summer!With Summer upon us, there are extra precautions to keep in mind. Here's a 'link round-up' with some important tips to keep in mind about car safety- never leave a child unatten...
Jun 22, 2011

strategies for a healthy day at the fair with the kids

The county fair just left our area.  It is an event that I have enjoyed for the last 5 years with my grandniece.I always enjoy the fair because of the family atmosphere, pony rides and all the wonderful farm animals.  I grew up in the city so seeing th...
Jun 20, 2011

sprout healthy kids with tasty nutritious sprouts

June is International Sprout Health & Wellness Month    There are many healthy benefits to eating sprouts: Sprouts are low in fat and calories so they are great for promoting a healthy weight and combating diabetes Alfalfa sprouts have a natural in...
Jun 10, 2011

Michelle Obama reaches out to caregivers of young children with healthy guidelines

Yesterday, Our First Lady Michelle Obama announced a new initiative to help day care providers provide a healthy environment for preschoolers in daycare settings.She is really continuing her dedication to help all children develop healthy habits and wi...
Apr 25, 2011

ADA announces guidelines to promote healthy eating during childcare

The American Dietitic Association has spoken out on the nutrition provided for children in daycare.This represents mostly children 2-5 years old who receive one or more of their main meals during the time they are being cared for.  Nearly 9 million chi...
Apr 22, 2011

YMCA survey represents opportunity for parents to promote healthy choices during online family time

Recently, the YMCA conducted a survey of more than 1,600 parents with children between the ages of 5 and 10.  The objective was to learn what the barriers to healthier living and physical activity were for today’s families.They learned that :1.  Parent...
Apr 13, 2011

Nourish Interactive participates in YMCA National Healthy Kids Day

This Saturday, April 16th is National YMCA Healthy Kids Day YMCAs all around the country will be hosting fun health promotional events for families. Healthy Kids Day™ is the Y’s national initiative to improve the health and well...
Apr 06, 2011

5 Tips for Inspiring Passion in Your Children & Teens

What is life like without passion? What is life like without inspiration?It’s called death. Inspiration and passion are the fuel to living life. Inspiration and passion are what cause children and teens who are overweight to change, to choose better fo...
Mar 28, 2011

Plan your family event for Screen Free Week! Turn off the TV

On April 18-24, children, families, schools, and communities around the country will turn off their TV for one full week!  It’s a chance to unplug and read, play, daydream, create, explore nature, and spend more time with family and friends.Since 1996,...
Mar 21, 2011

Clean out your refrigerator and keep the healthy fresh foods appealing

It is that time of the year where many of us are looking around the house and planning to do some spring cleaning.One place that can alway use a little extra attention is the refrigerator.  Afterall, this is the place that stores the food and keeps it ...
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