Learning The Difference Between Food Allergies And Food Intolerances
What is the difference between a food allergy and a food intolerance?
People often confuse the difference between a food allergy and a food intolerance. There is a difference. A child with an allergy must avoid the allergic food whereas a child with an intolerance may be able to eat small quantities without a problem.
Food allergies:
caused by the immune system when the body mistakenly identifies a food or a component of a food as a harmful substance and causes the child’s own antibodies to attack
starts a reaction of chemical changes that causes swelling and irritation in their body
symptoms may include tingling in the mouth, hives, swelling in the lips or difficulty breathing
Food intolerances:
causes problems for children without involving the immune system
can take hours, days or sometimes weeks before the child experiences some problems/discomfort
makes their body have problems digesting certain foods causing sensitivity in their body
Lactose intolerance is an example of a food intolerance that is often confused with a food allergy. Lactose intolerance is when a child has trouble digesting milk sugar (called lactose) causing symptoms such as bloating and a stomach ache
Healthy Eating
Healthy Child
Written by Michelle Mirizzi
Written on Feb 15, 2012
Last updated on Oct 29, 2013