Where it says "Meat and Beans 3 serving - 3 ounces" (in the purple) should that actually be 1 serving?
Nourish- Chef Solus
Tuesday, Oct 29, 2013 @ 12:23 PM
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The protein food group (formerly called the meat and beans group) is a bit confusing. The USDA measures it by 1 ounce equivalents. So if a small child only needs 3 ounces for the day, that could be called 3 servings. But we also use servings interchangeably with portions. We usually eat meat in 3 ounce portions. But if you eat one egg or one tablespoon of peanut butter that is each respectively 1 ounce (1 serving of protein). The USDA is moving away from using the word servings and instead, stating how much you need of a food group. I hope this helps clear up any confusion.
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