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New book makes learning about a healthy heart fun for kids

Posted on Sep 28, 2009 by Maggie LaBarbera

A new book, title "The Adventures of Captain Heart, has just been published. captain heart fun kids book

A pediatrician, Eugene Lipov M.D., wrote this clever book with the help of his six year old son to help kids, ages 3 -7 years old, learn about a healthy heart.

The book features a heart that is an superhero.The story portrays the Superhero, Captain Heart (who looked like a heart with legs), who helps a young boy and his grandfather become strong again by eating right and exercising.

You may be thinking, three year old kids are too young to be learning about how to keep a heart healthy. Well think again.

Studies show that by the time children start kindergarten, 40% will have one or more risk factors for heart disease (obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or diabetes.). In addition, a study using ultrasound imaging and presented earlier this year at a meeting of the American Heart Association, suggested that the carotid arteries in the necks of teenagers and children as young as 10 had fatty buildup and signs of other cardiovascular disease similar to that of an average 45-year-old!


Tips on promoting a healthy heart for your family




nutritional information
Thursday, Oct 15, 2009 @ 11:26 PM

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I do agree with all the ideas you have presented in your post. They are very convincing and will definitely work. Thanks for the post.
Mary BPR
Tuesday, Nov 24, 2009 @ 07:43 PM

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FORTY percent? 40? That is truly shocking. This is great blog, I subscribe to find the latest nutrition info for healthy eating tips for parenting my kids. The book looks interesting thanks for the find

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