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Top 10 Ways to Help Kids Develop Healthy Habits for a Healthy Heart- The American Heart Association

Posted on Feb 26, 2010 by Maggie LaBarbera

As we come to the end of February, National Heart Health Month here are some great tips to keep in mind all year long.The American Heart Association's top ten ways to help kids develop healthy habits.  This should sound pretty familiar, but it is always good to have a reminder.

If you are doing all of these, don't worry.  What's important is to start making changes now and gradually change.  Pick one item on the list and work on that.  Set a goal and be positive.  Remember, it takes time to change our habits and every positive change is a step toward a healthier child. Here are the top 10 tips for helping children develop a healthy heart -  drum roll please!

  1. Be a positive role model.  Kids are little sponges and absorb your habits.
  2. Be active as a family. Here is some "Being Active" tips and ideas.
  3. Limit screen time.  For more help, read "how to limit TV time"
  4. Find activities that kids like to do.  Here is a list of ideas.
  5. Be supportive.  No nagging please.
  6. Set Goals and limits.  Here is a list of kid friendly goals and tracking sheets
  7. Avoid rewarding kids with food
  8. Make dinnertime, family time.
  9. Make it fun to read food labels.  Here is a fun game for kids to learn how to read food labels.
  10. Stay involved.  Make healthy choices a priority for the family.
Source AHA


1 Comment

Sunday, Feb 28, 2010 @ 08:55 PM

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Thanks for all the tips.I believe practicing a healthy habit at home and getting the kids see them will make a great help.If they see that people around them do eat vegetables then they will also love vegetables.

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