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Family Nutrition Blog


Our blog ‘Nourishing Thoughts’ keeps families informed on current nutrition news, fun kid-friendly nutrition tips to encourage healthy food, nutrition, and exercise choices, nutrition articles, and interactive tools for parents. Our healthy nutrition blog is for parents, teachers, and everyone who is interested in kids' health and nutrition.

Often, we will have weekly themes about healthy habits.  The topic is discussed on Mondays, we follow up with a fun informative infographic that provides key facts about the topic, finishing up on Friday with some great materials and resources to use to bring that topic to home, school or wherever you are working with children to promote healthier habits! Enjoy.

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nutrition information blog for families

About Maggie

I am a nurse and a mother of two.  I am also the founder of Nourish Interactive. I am very concerned about the health and well being of our children.  I started the Nourishing Thoughts Blog so that I could help parents keep up on the latest trends in children’s nutrition and exercise. 

I know that much like reading and writing is the foundation for learning, nutrition is the foundation for healthy children.  But with so many new studies, products and trends constantly being reported it is hard to keep up.  I just want to make it a little easier for parents by doing some of the legwork and providing you with up to date information.

Aug 15, 2011

Creating a healthy lunch for kids using the food groups

You are fixing your child's lunch with healthy foods and hoping that your child will eat it!So how do you ensure that your child will eat the healthy lunch you have prepared and not toss it or trade it.  Well, of course, as they get older, it gets hard...
Aug 12, 2011

Healthy cereals - don't be fooled by deceptive marketing claims

It is back to school time and breakfast will be a very important part of your child's morning routine. For many families that are on the go, this often means cereal. But how do you find healthy cereal that will give your child the nutrition he/...
Aug 10, 2011

School lunches - meeting the new school nutrition guidelines

It is fast approaching school time and ensuring your child gets a healthy well balanced meal is one of the best ways to help your child succeed in school.  There are numerous studies that show that children who eat a good breakfast and a healthy lunch ...
Aug 08, 2011

Making Hispanic Recipes Healthy For Kids

As a parent, you want your children to eat healthy meals so they can be their best today and grow up strong and healthy. However oftentimes kids can be picky eaters, which can make it tough to find something they will eat. Fortunately, Hispanic food...
Aug 05, 2011

F is for Fat looks at sugary drinks and obesity rates

Sugar sweetened beverages (SSB) has a been a hot topic for some time. Many blame these sugary drinks on the obesity problem that we currently face. According to the F is for Fat report these statistics can be attributed to the consumption of sugar...
Aug 03, 2011

F is for fat report released - rate of childhood obesity in your state

You may be wondering how your state faired in the childhood obesity epidemic. Here is some other shocking facts: Among all states, children got 40% or less of the recommended vigorous daily activity. (ie exercise) Among the 39 sta...
Aug 01, 2011

F is for fat report released - trends for childhood obesity revealed

F is for Fat report has been published and the news continues to be very sobering. Childhood obesity has tripled since 1980! Currently, more than 12 million children and adolescents are considered obese. More than one-third of chil...
Jul 27, 2011

Overcoming Obstacles to Having Kids Eat Healthier Food

Eating Healthy with Kids Guide | Food Shopping Tips | Handling Food Marketing Tactics Obstacles to eating healthier from food marketing to kids to the time crunch factor- we've got the facts and practical steps to help your kids eat healthier.As a par...
Jul 25, 2011

Healthy Snack Food Ideas for Kids

In the summer, more free time often means more unhealthy snacking for kids. As we approach August, many of us may be running out of  snack options for our kids. Involving kids in snack planning and cooking is a fun way to get connected to food and le...
Jul 22, 2011

Hot weather safety, eating in hot weather tips and no-cook recipes

Hot Weather Nutrition| No- Cook Recipes| Heat Wave Safety Tips | Summer Safety Resources Many parts of the country are in a heat wave, the National Weather Service and the CDC is providing heat wave safety information,  maps and recommendations to r...
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