Help kids say thank you to their teachers and nurses in your child's life with these free special cards of appreciation. Just download and print.
Nourish Thought for the Day:
It only takes a moment to show appreciation that will be remembe...
Oranges are well known for the property of containing high amounts of vitamin C. This immunity boosting component can help prevent virtually anyone from becoming sick by assisting in the creation of white blood cells. However, there are many other f...
This month we remember our friends at the Public Health Department.
Every year around the second week in April, the nation recognizes National Public Health week. This year, over 200 partners supported this even with almost 400 public health ev...
This year at the American College of Cardiology Conference, Dr Seery, presented new findings concerning elevated cholesterol in children*.
Based on their study about 1 out of 3 children screened for high cholesterol had borderline or high ...
Each year the Robert's Woods Foundation releases a report that ranks our country by county. You can now find out how your county ranked based on 29 different factors that impact health:
Check out your community's rankings on diet and exercise.
You might not have put the two together but according to a news release by the American Heart Association, how strict you are can affect your child's weight.
Are you rigid with rules and light on affection? (authoritarian style) You could be inc...
I talked a little bit about sugar last week. Did you ever wonder how much sugar your family is actually consuming?
You might not want to know!
The American Heart Association stated that adults consumed about 22.2 teaspoons a day (335 calo...
I remember when I was a child, that green gloppy substance on my school tray was anything but appealing. As we get older, we begin to appreciate the value of those things we simply refused to eat 30 years ago. Since spinach is essentially a super-gr...
We are thinking about clovers and leprechauns and the color green.
In honor of this special holiday, I thought it would be good to share this infographic that shares some important information about some green foods that we should all be eating!...
As we leave February, day of National Heart Month, and we enter March, National Nutrition Month, I thought it fitting to say a few words about salt.
I chose salt because too much salt is associated with high blood pressure leading to heart disea...