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Family Nutrition Blog


Our blog ‘Nourishing Thoughts’ keeps families informed on current nutrition news, fun kid-friendly nutrition tips to encourage healthy food, nutrition, and exercise choices, nutrition articles, and interactive tools for parents. Our healthy nutrition blog is for parents, teachers, and everyone who is interested in kids' health and nutrition.

Often, we will have weekly themes about healthy habits.  The topic is discussed on Mondays, we follow up with a fun informative infographic that provides key facts about the topic, finishing up on Friday with some great materials and resources to use to bring that topic to home, school or wherever you are working with children to promote healthier habits! Enjoy.

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nutrition information blog for families

About Maggie

I am a nurse and a mother of two.  I am also the founder of Nourish Interactive. I am very concerned about the health and well being of our children.  I started the Nourishing Thoughts Blog so that I could help parents keep up on the latest trends in children’s nutrition and exercise. 

I know that much like reading and writing is the foundation for learning, nutrition is the foundation for healthy children.  But with so many new studies, products and trends constantly being reported it is hard to keep up.  I just want to make it a little easier for parents by doing some of the legwork and providing you with up to date information.

Dec 03, 2010

A healthy bite- appetizers and snacks during the holiday season

Adding fiber to holiday treats is a great way to add a healthy blast to your recipes. Fiber has a variety of health benefits for the whole family. It keeps your digestive tract working good and it is good for your heart! It also makes you feel full and...
Dec 01, 2010

Easy steps to a healthy holiday season with your kids

Get ready for a healthy and fun holiday season with your kids! Early nutrition education is the key to helping children learn to make healthy choices and develop healthy food and physical activity habits.For the Holiday season we have special new featu...
Nov 29, 2010

Let's Move with First Lady Michelle Obama -TV show

Did anyone see First Lady Michelle Obama in her TV show called "Let's Move with First Lady Michelle Obama?"The one hour show was aired on American Network, TVOne and was centered around interviews with leading experts in this field.  This channel targe...
Nov 26, 2010

Top five worst kids meals to avoid when eating out with the kids

It is after Thanksgiving and you are rushing around in the mall for the early sales.  Perhaps you have kids in hand and they are starting to pulling on your sweater with those familiar words  "I'm hungry!"You may be looking for the nearest fast food re...
Nov 24, 2010

Countdown to Thanksgiving- time savers, healthy tips and easy recipes

Countdown to Thanksgiving Quick Tips Plan your meal - making a menu list can save time and be less stressful Make it a potluck – save time ask family and friends to bring some of their favorite healthy appetizers, side dishes or desserts Keep it...
Nov 22, 2010

Thanksgiving is also a great time to be active- play games together

It is the beginning of holiday season!  I love this season, so much family time.  But there can also be too much food time.Did you know the average person will eat about 4000  calories on Thanksgiving Day?  And many people will gain  anywhere from 2-7 ...
Nov 19, 2010

Food Safety Tips for Storing Leftover Thanksgiving Day Turkey

Part III:  Serving and Storing your turkey safely - no germs pleaseCarving your Turkey:Let the turkey sit for about 15-20 minutes before carving it.  This will allow the juices to set inside and your turkey will be easier to carve.Make sure your knife ...
Nov 17, 2010

Tips on cooking a Thanksgiving turkey- avoiding foodborne illness

Part II:  Cooking time and temperature for your Thanksgiving TurkeyTime to cook turkey. There are many ways to cook a turkey, roasting, deep frying, barbecuing and more!  The most important thing to do no matter how you are cooking your turkey is to me...
Nov 15, 2010

Tips on buying and storing a turkey for a healthy Thanksgiving

November is National Food Safety Month and with Thanksgiving just right around the corner, it is a great reminder of some good turkey preparation techniques for a healthy and fun holiday season.Part I:  Tips on buying and preparing a turkey:Buying the ...
Nov 12, 2010

No toys in Happy Meals in San Francisco - new ban passes

San Francisco has banned toys associated with meals that are poor in nutrition.The city's Board of Supervisors voted unanimously Tuesday to approve the ordinance, which they hope will force fast-food chains such as McDonald's to make their children's m...
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