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Childhood Obesity

Aug 09, 2010

Healthy Monday- Get a Fitness buddy and be a great role model for the kids

Fitness is a team sportAsk a friend with similar fitness goals to exercise with you this week!  Walks, hikes and sports like basketball and tennis are more fun with two.  Be a great role model for the kidsMondays are a great day to renew Family Health ...
Jul 30, 2010

Measuring neck circumferences of children may be more accurate in determining weight problems

There is lots of talk this month about the accuracy of BMI calculations and kids.A new study published in Pediatrics is suggesting that measuring a child's neck circumference could be a better tool for quickly assessing children's potential weight stat...
Jul 28, 2010

McDonalds under attack for giving toys with happy meal

A consumer watchdog group is threatening to sue McDonalds for placing toys in their Happy Meals. With the growing concern about our children's lack of nutrition and healthy habits, McDonalds is now under fire.The group is claiming that by placing toys ...
Jul 23, 2010

Surgeon General emphasizes fun for getting kids healthier

The Surgeon General Regina Benjamin was interviewed earlier this month and she really emphasized the need for fun as part of a key strategy in fighting childhood obesity.She said that kids need to find activities that they enjoy so that exercise is not...
Jul 21, 2010

Kids in the kitchen can lead to healthier eating

Getting kids involved in the meal planning is a good strategy to promote a balanced meal and a healthy one.I know this sounds so simple but some of the best strategies for dealing with kids are pretty straightforward.  If they help decide the menu and ...
Jul 19, 2010

Healthy Monday- Lower your kids saturated fats

Think beyond the fryerWhen eating out this week choose steamed, broiled or grilled dishes instead of greasy fried foods for your family. It’s a simple switch that will drastically cut your family's saturated fat intake!Mondays are a great day to renew ...
Jul 12, 2010

Parents worried about childhood obesity but not recognizing overweight child

A new poll suggests that parents are concerned about the growing childhood obesity crisis in America but they are not recognizing that their child may be overweight.  This is a huge disconnect and we have to ask ourselves "why?'Why are Americans not se...
Jun 11, 2010

Helping your children eat more fruits and vegetables every day

Part 2:  Anne Kolker RD, NourishInteractive.comDoes low fruit and vegetable intake really matter when children are young? Chronic illness such as heart disease, stroke, and cancer are usually concerns for adults. However, life-long positive eating habi...
May 31, 2010

Michelle Obama launches plan to fight childhood obesity within a generation

Michelle Obama released her plan to fight childhood obesity.  Her goal is to solve the problem within a generation which is a pretty ambitious goal.  This means decreasing childhood obesity rates to 5% by the year 2030!Her plan entails implementing an ...
May 28, 2010

Federal government may begin tracking kids who are overweight

With the growing awareness about childhood obesity, politicians are looking to new legislation to fight the problem.There is discussion that the government should begin tracking the weight of children ages 2 to 18.  This is information routinely collec...
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