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Kids Healthy Eating Tips

Sep 29, 2008

Healthy Monday: Games can keep your mind sharp!

Mondays are a great day to renew Family Health vows. Every Monday, you will find some healthy tip to help your family start the week off on a Healthy Note!Today, start to play games with kids! Crosswords, word search, any puzzles that use language or m...
Sep 22, 2008

Six mistakes parents make

This was a nice little summary of things to NOT do. Believe it or not, the article starts out telling us about a child who was on a "chocolate diet". Okay that is an extreme example and I think most parents have enough good sense to know "you just go...
Sep 22, 2008

Healthy Monday- Be ready with a healthy snack.

Mondays are a great day to renew Family Health vows. Every Monday, you will find some healthy tip to help your family start the week off on a Healthy Note!You can take it with you! Fruit, that is. Don't leave home without it! Tuck an apple, banana or o...
Sep 15, 2008

Healthy Monday- Fruit is great for a kids sweet tooth

Mondays are a great day to renew Family Health vows. Every Monday, you will find some healthy tip to help your family start the week off on a Healthy Note!Fruit is a sweet treat! Calm your sweet tooth with a delicious fruit salad, or top your whole-gra...
Sep 12, 2008

Video playing may help kids problem solving skills

 We often here about the downside of video play. We all realize that sitting for many hours in front of a TV or in front of a computer or video console is not healthy for a child's body. They need activity everyday. But that does not mean it is comple...
Sep 08, 2008

Saving on School Lunches

With the high cost of food, gas and general living expenses, we are all looking at how to economize a bit to get more for our buck. Back to school means buying food for school lunches or purchasing school lunches. I can't tell you how many articles I...
Sep 08, 2008

Healthy Monday- Eat A Healthy Breakfast For Success

Mondays are a great day to renew Family Health vows. Every Monday, you will find some healthy tip to help your family start the week off on a Healthy Note!Set your child up for a successful school week, by making sure they eat breakfast everyday!I know...
Sep 05, 2008

Family Nutrition: Phelps promotes Frosted Flakes but is it really Grrrrreat for kids?!?

Phelps was certainly one of my favorites from the Olympics and thought a great example for kids. But lately there has been a great deal of controversy following his decision to endorse Frosted Flakes. He will be appearing on their box in the next we...
Sep 04, 2008

Nutrition Education Games For Kids- Vote for Nourish Interactive-You Can Help Us Win!

I am asking for your help, to vote for Nourish Interactive in ideablob's sprint contest! Your vote can help Nourish Interactive win the prize to develop a new educational game to teach kids about nutrition and portion control! I have submitted N...
Sep 03, 2008

Packing a healthy lunch for school

Lots of talk about how to pack a healthy lunch for your child. Well, there are few basics that make the lunch healthy: make sure the lunch has at least 3 different food groups, that's minimum,  shoot for all five on most days look for low fat dippin...
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