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Nutrition Education

Mar 30, 2009

Going Organic a little or all the way, here are some tips

If you can't go 100% organic here are some simple guidelines: Buy organic as often as you can. Many grocers now offer store brands with organic choices which are usually less expensive. Look for the USDA seal on foods to ensure they are organic. ...
Mar 27, 2009

Find out if your favorite fruits and vegetables are high in pesticides

We know that small doses of pesticides can damage our health, and especially the health of  children whose organs are growing and still forming. According to the Environmental Working Group and, here is a list of the fruits and vegetables ...
Mar 20, 2009

Tips for Getting Kids to Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

study conducted by Ohio State University found that kids are eating about 2 cups total of fruits, vegetables and juice.  Maybe your thinking, wow, I didn't think they were eating that much!   But let's look a little closer at the facts: French fries ...
Mar 16, 2009

Salad surprise found when reading food labels

I was shopping at Traders Joes looking for a quick salad for my lunch. I wanted something tasty, not just lettuce. I was surprised at the calories on the back of the prepackaged salads. Some of these small salads were over 400 calories and if I add ...
Mar 13, 2009

Another reason family meals promote a healthy family

We have all heard this so many times: It takes about twenty minutes for our stomachs to feel full But after a busy day, rushing around, it is easy for us to scarf our meal down in 10 minutes flat. My husband can do 5!But eating that fast, doesn't ...
Mar 11, 2009

Alliance Healthcare Initative tackles childhood obesity head on

An alliance of health groups and insurance companies recently announced an initiative that will assist in battling one of America's biggest health problems in children: obesity.Insurance companies will usually not pay for anti-obesity services like cou...
Mar 09, 2009

Childhood obesity- too many reasons not to take action

We want to keep our kids eating healthy and prevent childhood obesity with: early nutrition education positive healthy food associations healthy parent role modeling daily activity developing good habits while they are young Why is this so imp...
Mar 06, 2009

Kids like Eating Cool Vegetables with Cool Names

A recent study was presented at the School Nutrition Association's annual meeting. The study tested the response of kids to vegetables and fruits:186 kids were given carrots to eat as part of their lunch on certain daysthe same kids were given carrots ...
Feb 27, 2009

Portion sizes - follow the three S rule to keep portions at a healthy serving

Portion sizes. There has been a great deal of studies done on why our portion sizes are getting bigger and the psychology of portion sizes. I thought I would share a few interesting facts to think about: The average person will eat 25-50% more food w...
Feb 20, 2009

Will a fat Barbie or Superman send the right message to fight childhood obesity?

There was mixed responses from a bold move created by the Active Life Movement: Barbie . This is a wonderful organization that is committed promoting healthy living. In their fight against childhood obesity, they attempted to send a strong mess...
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