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Family Nutrition Blog


Our blog ‘Nourishing Thoughts’ keeps families informed on current nutrition news, fun kid-friendly nutrition tips to encourage healthy food, nutrition, and exercise choices, nutrition articles, and interactive tools for parents. Our healthy nutrition blog is for parents, teachers, and everyone who is interested in kids' health and nutrition.

Often, we will have weekly themes about healthy habits.  The topic is discussed on Mondays, we follow up with a fun informative infographic that provides key facts about the topic, finishing up on Friday with some great materials and resources to use to bring that topic to home, school or wherever you are working with children to promote healthier habits! Enjoy.

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nutrition information blog for families

About Maggie

I am a nurse and a mother of two.  I am also the founder of Nourish Interactive. I am very concerned about the health and well being of our children.  I started the Nourishing Thoughts Blog so that I could help parents keep up on the latest trends in children’s nutrition and exercise. 

I know that much like reading and writing is the foundation for learning, nutrition is the foundation for healthy children.  But with so many new studies, products and trends constantly being reported it is hard to keep up.  I just want to make it a little easier for parents by doing some of the legwork and providing you with up to date information.

Jul 20, 2012

Gym Classes Reduced Despite First Lady Efforts To Fight Childhood Obesity

I must admit that I was really shocked to learn that gym classes are being reduced despite all the effort to fight childhood obesity from so many dedicated organizations, including our first lady Michelle Obama. Daily exercise has been proven to...
Jul 18, 2012

Should I Give My Child a Cell Phone?

It seems children are obtaining their own cell phones at a younger and younger age. Studies have shown that 75% of children between the ages of 12 and 17 now own phones – up from 45% in 2004. Most parents cite safety as the number one reason t...
Jul 15, 2012

Chef Solus gives Mickey Mouse two thumbs for healthy food guidelines

Chef Solus is giving Mickey Mouse two thumbs up for leading the way in promoting healthier foods to kids. Walt Disney Company is establishing a policy that all food and beverages marketed on its kid-focused television, radio or...
Jul 13, 2012

Remove GE crop riders from the House Farm Bill - tell congress

Just Label It, a nonprofit organization dedicated to getting GMOs listed on food labels, has made significant progress in recent weeks in moving the federal review process for GE crops into a more open and transparent process. However, the che...
Jul 11, 2012

Lettuce Read - Summer reading books giveaway for kids

We are giving away a healthy-themed storybook each week. Read for details on how to enter and win.
Jul 09, 2012

How much sleep you get each night may be affecting your health

How much sleep do you get each night. Learn how sleep may be affecting you and your family's health.
Jul 06, 2012

Cereal Facts released gives insight to the nutrition and marketing of cereal to kids

Has the cereal companies kept their promise to promote healthier cereals to children. Find out the scoop from the 2012 Cereal Facts report.
Jul 04, 2012

Follow Food Safe Grilling Tips When Barbecuing

Planning a family barbecue. Keep your family healthy with these top food safety tips.
Jul 02, 2012

Avocados featured at Disneyland for 4th of July kickoff

National avocado week hosts fun events and contests at Disneyland
Jun 29, 2012

Support petition to label genetically manufactured organisms found in every day foods

Do you know what is in your foods? You might be surprised to know that many of our every day foods have GMOs in it. Support a petition required GMOs to be labeled.
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