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Nourishing Product Reviews

Apr 15, 2009

Get kids in the kitchen having fun, helping to cook and learning to love healthy foods

Getting kids in the kitchen at an early age can really make a difference in their food preferences, eating habits and nutrition!I was reading an article written by KidsCooking411 discussing kids "natural interest" to cook.ÂShe's right.  Kids do love t...
Apr 13, 2009

KaBOOM gets kids moving and being active with playgrounds resource for families

Dancing with the stars, Julianne Hough has joined KaBOOM, to find 100,000 play spaces in 100 days.   The organization is planning to map and rate playspaces nationwide.  This will be a great resource for families.  But more importantly, it will also h...
Dec 17, 2008

Family Nutrition Tips- Fruit and Vegetable Juicing For Kids Health

Juicing is becoming very popular as a way to get a healthy dose of nutrients from fresh fruits and vegetables. Juicing is the process of separating the the liquid from the fiber, consuming only the liquid from the fruit or vegetable.There is no doubt ...
Jul 09, 2008

Pomegranate ranks high as healthy juice

UCLA did a study and reported the top ten healthiest juices. After all, not all juice is created equal.So here they are in order of healthiest: 1. Pomegranate juice 2. Red Wine (okay, this is NOT one for the kids) 3. Concord grape juice 4...
Jul 07, 2008

Burger King launches new foods for kids

Burger King is going green and introducing a new healthier kids meal. Well, I am not a big supporter of fast foods but when they try to do something good, well you gotta give 'em some props.Burger King will be launching this month: a recycleable me...
Jun 20, 2008

Safeway launches a healthy food line for kids

Safeway is expanding their Eating Right food line to reach out to children. Their new food line, called Eating Right Kids will feature the Warner Brother characters such as Bugs Bunny Tweetey Wile E. Coyote Daffy Ducks The food will have over ...
Jun 04, 2008

Will kids like exercise in front of a TV?

A new video is launched that is designed to get children exercising. A new fun way to get your kids moving. A new dvd, titled "Fitness Kids" has recently been released. It features 12 kids ranging from the ages 5-14 on the dvd. They are touring...
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