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Kids Healthy Eating Tips

Nov 20, 2009

Serve a balanced Thanksgiving meal with foods from all the food groups.

Thanksgiving meals and healthy eating aren't usually found in the same sentence.But it really doesn't have to be that way. This meal, just as any other, should be comprised from healthy foods from all the food groups. The key is including the healthy ...
Nov 18, 2009

Free Webinar on Detox Today- Meet Alex Jamieson, Co-Star of Super Size Me

Alex Jamieson was the nutritional consultant on the movie Super Size Me. She will be participating in a free webinar today! I am very excited to hear her talk about the book she wrote, The Great American Detox Diet: Feel Better, Look Better, and Lose ...
Nov 16, 2009

Holiday food safety reminders - Avoiding cross contamination in the kitchen.

It's food safety month. With all the holiday food preparations for large groups it is easy to forget some good food safety habits. We are defrosting foods, preparing some foods early, other foods are sitting out for periods of time. To help you keep...
Nov 16, 2009

Healthy Monday - Fill your refrigerator with healthy foods for a healthy family.

This Monday make over your fridge!Switch whole milk with skim, and sugary soft drinks with pure fruit juices. Ditch the processed foods and fill your fridge with fresh produce.Mondays are a great day to renew Family Health vows. Every Monday, you will ...
Nov 11, 2009

This is the season for fresh cranberries that are loaded with vitamins, antioxidants and fiber!

Fresh cranberries are now in season between October and December, just in time for the holidays!One serving of fresh cranberries (1/2 cup) is low in calories and full of vitamin C and fiber and also a good source of manganese and vitamin K.Cranberries...
Nov 09, 2009

Sesame Street promotes healthy eating to kids with Cookie Monster choosing fruits!

Sesame Street is using its 40th anniversary to promote healthy eating with fun educational videos.Cookie Monster still loves cookies but chooses fruit first and cookies second! This video is a great way to help kids see that fruit is a delicious and a ...
Nov 09, 2009

Healthy Monday - Keep bones strong with vitamin D

In the low-sun winter months, the body craves Vitamin D to keep bones strong and disease at bay. Make sure your family's diet is rich in vitamin D or ask your doctor about a supplement. Mondays are a great day to renew Family Health vows. Every Monday...
Nov 06, 2009

Kids' new study finds that high sugar cereals are heavily marketed to kids!

Sad to say that the obesity conference reported last week that young kids are being aggressively marketed to by the highest sugar cereals. The study was done by the Yale University Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity.Here are some of the reports h...
Nov 04, 2009

Super Nanny helps parents bring healthy eating habits to kids!

Did anyone see Super Nanny last week.  She had her hands full helping a family with not one but two sets of kids make healthy eating choices!Super Nanny was right on target with her healthy tips!Super Nanny noticed that the kids did not eat any fruits ...
Nov 02, 2009

Healthy Monday-Treat yourself to healthy treats.

This Monday keep candy in the bag Stay away from your kids’ Halloween treats in favor of sliced apples, unsalted nuts and antioxidant-rich, heart-healthy, organic dark chocolate. This Monday keep your kids' candy in the bag. Stay away from your kids’...
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