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Family Health

Mar 04, 2011 partners with Every Child Healthy to promote nutrition and healthy choices

We are really pleased to share with you a new partner, Every Child Healthy, that we will be working with to create and promote nutrition messaging for kids and parents. We are excited about this collaboration because our goal is to help parents...
Feb 25, 2011

Nourish Interactive partners with to promote nutrition fun

We are always looking to partner with organizations that share our common mission to promote healthy choices to children in a fun way. We are excited to share that is one of our new partners. We are going to be collaborating on som...
Feb 09, 2011

Healthy Valentine party food tips for kids- Heart Healthy appetizers and snacks for kids

Valentine's Day is another holiday celebration that many classrooms, parents and after-school programs will plan to celebrate with kids.  It is also a great theme to tie in to promoting a healthy heart to kids and families.Too often holiday celebration...
Feb 02, 2011

Balance calories, a key message in new food guidelines- what it means to your family

Let's take a look at the first message that the USDA wants us to focus on:Key Message #1  Balancing Calories Enjoy your food, but eat less Avoid oversized portions Concept:Calorie balance is the key to preventing weight gain.  Weight gain comes fro...
Jan 12, 2011

Skip the resolutions and try one healthy choice each day

It is the middle of the month and with busy lives, perhaps you never got around to setting healthy goals with your child.Perhaps setting goals is not your thing.  Here is another way to make healthier choices part of your family's routine.  Try doing o...
Jan 10, 2011

Part 3 - Types of weight loss programs to help you lose weight

As we continue our series on weight loss, lets review the type of weight loss programs. >There are two different types of weight-loss programs—clinical and nonclinical. Knowing what a good program will offer and what to look for may help you choose a ...
Jan 07, 2011

Part 2 - Simple tips to increase your calorie burn

We talked about how to decrease some of the calorie intake, now about the other side of the losing weight equation:  increasing calorie output (burning up fat) Remember, when you eat more calories (food) than your body needs, it will store the e...
Jan 05, 2011

Part 1 - simple tips on decreasing your calorie intake

Many of us, we will join millions of people pledging our New Years Resolution to lose weight. Because this will affect many of parents, we wanted to share some weight loss information to help you get started. Losing weight is really not that hard...
Jan 03, 2011

Top 20 ideas for setting healthy goals for kids

It is the New Year and many of you are busy deciding your New Year's resolutions.But don't forget to involve the kids.  This is a great opportunity to talk to children about healthy choices and what habits in their lives they can modify to be healthier...
Dec 31, 2010

2010's Top 5 Nutrition Printouts for Kids- Eating Healthy Food and Physical Activity Free Printables

Here are the printables, learning pages and worksheets that parents, teachers, health care professionals and communities printed and shared the most with children in 2010. All of our printables are free and available in English or Spanish! Click...
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