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Sep 19, 2012

The role of communities in promoting physical activity

You might be surprised to learn these facts about how important your community is in helping you and your family stay healthy. This month is national childhood obesity awareness month and one of the strategies to helping children prevent obesity...
Sep 10, 2012

Portion sizes - how they have grown

Portion size has really grown over the last several years. You may be surprised by this information provided by the CDC. Teaching children how to control portions is key to developing healthy eating habits. Count on the portion sizes on ...
Sep 07, 2012

National poll shows parents are very worried about kids inactivity

Are your kids active enough? Are you concerned about your child not getting enough exercise each day? Well, according to the annual University of Michigan C.S. Mott Children's Hospital National Poll, you are not alone. 39% of parents ...
Aug 15, 2012

What it takes to burn off the added sugar in popular beverages

In my last post, "Kids choose less soda in school but still have sugary alternatives," I talked about the sugary drinks that children are still drinking in school. Kids don't really think about what all the extra calories really means to their ...
Aug 01, 2012

Keeping kids healthy at college

Sending your child off to college. Here are some key facts and tips to keep them healthier while away from home.
Jul 20, 2012

Gym Classes Reduced Despite First Lady Efforts To Fight Childhood Obesity

I must admit that I was really shocked to learn that gym classes are being reduced despite all the effort to fight childhood obesity from so many dedicated organizations, including our first lady Michelle Obama. Daily exercise has been proven to...
Jul 09, 2012

How much sleep you get each night may be affecting your health

How much sleep do you get each night. Learn how sleep may be affecting you and your family's health.
Jul 06, 2012

Cereal Facts released gives insight to the nutrition and marketing of cereal to kids

Has the cereal companies kept their promise to promote healthier cereals to children. Find out the scoop from the 2012 Cereal Facts report.
Jun 29, 2012

Support petition to label genetically manufactured organisms found in every day foods

Do you know what is in your foods? You might be surprised to know that many of our every day foods have GMOs in it. Support a petition required GMOs to be labeled.
Jun 18, 2012

Summer safety for kids in the swimming pool

Kids love to go to the swimming pool during the summer. Learn some key safety tips to keep your child safe while in a public swimming pool
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