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Active Kids

Apr 23, 2014

Earth Day and My Plate Remind Us To Go Outside and Be Active

Celebrate Earth Day by enjoying the wonderful activities that the Earth has to offer. This includes: biking, hiking, canoeing, walking, swimming and sailing. There is lots to do, just choose the activities you enjoy the most. Kids should e...
Feb 19, 2014

Gallery of Olympic Mascots Keeps Sports Fun For Kids

With the Winter Olympics ending, I thought it would be fun to share this cute but informative infographic with you. Kids will love this. Who knew that each Olympics had a special mascot! Olympics are such a great event for kids and really for the...
Dec 09, 2013

6 ways to increase your kids activity level during holiday shopping

I took my grandson to see Santa Claus today at the mall. It was so cute seeing all the children anxiously waiting in line to talk with Santa and take their picture. It is such a wonderful holiday tradition. While you are taking your kids to ...
Oct 07, 2013

Walk To School And Promote Healthy Habits To Your Children

What are the benefits of walking your child to school? Well there are actually quite a few. Walking to School Can Improve Academic Performance A study done in California showed that children who were more fit actually had better acade...
Aug 12, 2013

Michelle Obama Gets Her Groove On Promoting Being Active Is Fun

This is why I love Michelle Obama so much. Not only is she out there promoting healthier choices for children and fighting childhood obesity with so many wonderful programs but she also reminds us that we got to keep it fun! Thank you Michelle ...
Jul 05, 2013

Video explains importance of active spaces for chidren - especially at risk Latino population

Here is a video about the importance of supporting more active spaces for our Latino youths. This is a population that has one of the more higher percentage of diabetes and childhood obesity. This affects all of us. Here are the facts from a n...
Jun 28, 2013

Active spaces needed to promote physical activity to children

It is important to increase active spaces for all children so they can enjoy active play throughout thier childhood. A recent study found that in particular Latino children in underserved communities have less access to active play areas. Since...
May 22, 2013

Exergaming could help kids burn calories while having fun

How can we get kids to be more active when we are competing against such a techy generation. Well using games, something kids love to do, as part of a kids exercise program, may be part of the solution. In Australia, Dr Louis Naylor from the Un...
May 01, 2013

Loopholes stalling progress in physical education across the US

This week is National Physical Education and Sports Week. Just how our the schools doing in providing physical education to our children. This infographic gives some sad facts about exercise in schools. infographic created by National Ass...
Apr 26, 2013

National Screen Free Week Starts Today- Off with the tv!

Monday, April 29 is the start of National Screen Free week. New fun Screen-Free Week activities are added every day! Recent additions: the Illinois State Museum is turning off all multimedia screens in its exhibitions. And there’s a wee...
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