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Healthy Habits

Sep 22, 2008

Six mistakes parents make

This was a nice little summary of things to NOT do. Believe it or not, the article starts out telling us about a child who was on a "chocolate diet". Okay that is an extreme example and I think most parents have enough good sense to know "you just go...
Sep 01, 2008

Build your child's some strong bones

I just read a little fact that 90% of girls and 75% of boys between 9 and 13 years old do not get the recommended amount of calcium, according to the National osteoporosis Foundation.Calcium is so important for growing bones and for preventing osteopor...
Aug 08, 2008

Let's not get stuck on a label for childhood obesity, let's get moving on solutions

Well, according to this article, England's government has now created a new national policy measuring program that essentially will send height and weight measurements home as part of a school report card.Here is a few interesting notes: they will no...
Aug 06, 2008

Restaurant chains offer limited healthy choices for kids

What's the buzz this week? A nonprofit organization has released a report about the calories in kids meals! From the top 13 chain restaurants. The report card was not too good for most of these restaurants. But really, are you surprised? 93% of ...
Jul 23, 2008

A little helper in the kitchen

One way to get some picky eaters to try new foods is to involve them in the kitchen. Bring them in and have them touch vegetables and break them up to make different recipes. Expect your kitchen to get a little messy. But the results can be well wor...
Jul 14, 2008

Sauces are great hiding places for vegetables

Sometimes, those little picky eaters just won't eat certain food's like those vitamin and mineral rich vegetables.Well sauces can be a great way to introduce those little ones to some new foods. Finely chopped, minced or grated vegetables can be added ...
Jun 13, 2008

Is it too late?....No!

Several scary health predictions about this generation of children.It's sad to talk about this generation's health future. No, it's scary to talk about this generation's future. A generation that may, for the first time ever, live a shorter lifespan...
May 27, 2008

Breakfast helps kids do better in school.

Children that are skipping breakfast can be headed to all sorts of problems in school.We talk about this in our Breakfast article in our April newsletter, but this article is a good reinforcement that breakfast is important. It cites the American Medi...
May 05, 2008

A little change can go a long way!

Changing your child's diet in small steps does add up.The key message in this article is you can make changes to your child's diet that are small and it will make a difference.Sometimes as parents, we get too bogged down with thinking that the change h...
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